Their capture will allow the Royalists to push into south Merseyside and threaten the port-city of Liverpool. It is imperative for the Republican cause that the Royalists do not capture either bridge intact so they launch air strikes at the two bridges.

Rules: this scenario has been written with AirWar: C21 in mind.
Republican Forces: 4 x SEPECAT Jaguar GR.1B (player to assign bomb load), 4 x Hawk T.1A escort.
Royalist Forces: 3 x Harrier GR.5 (appear on even number roll on d6, roll once per turn until appear), 2 x Tornado F.3 ADV (appear on a 5 or 6 on d6, roll once per turn until appear), 3 x Blowpipe SAM AAA.

Victory conditions: the Republican Air Force must cause at least 50% damage to both bridges for a narrow victory, destroying them is a major victory.